Nodejs Object-Oriented MongoDB Manager
Creates an instance of InstanceSet with the given classModel.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
classModel | ClassModel | The classModel for this InstanceSet. All Instances added to this InstanceSet must be of this classModel or one of its sub-ClassModels. |
InstanceSet - The InstanceSet created with the given classModel and instances.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanConstructorError | If classModel parameter is missing or not an instance of ClassModel. |
NoommanArgumentError | If instances is given and is not an Iterable. |
NoommanArgumentError | If instances is given and contains anything but Instances. |
NoommanArgumentError | If instances is given and contains any Instance of a different ClassModel. |
Adds the given Instance to this InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instance | Instance | An Instance of the ClassModel for this InstanceSet (or a sub-ClassModel) to add to this InstanceSet. |
Error Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If instance is given and is not an Instance |
NoommanArgumentError | If instance is given and is an Instance of a different ClassModel. |
Adds the given instances to this InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instances | Iterable<Instance> | An Iterable containing Instances of the ClassModel for this InstanceSet (or a sub-ClassModel) to add to this InstanceSet. |
Error Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If instances is given and is not an Iterable. |
NoommanArgumentError | If instances is given and contains anything but Instances. |
NoommanArgumentError | If instances is given and contains any Instance of a different ClassModel. |
Deletes all Instances in this InstanceSet from the database.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
deletePrivilegeMethodParameter | Object | An object containing any parameters needed by a deletePrivilege method. |
Promise<Array<Boolean>> - An array containing True for each deleted Instance if all Instances in this InstanceSet are deleted properly.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanDeleteError | If any Instance has not yet been saved (i.e. is not in the database). |
NoommanDeleteError | If deletePrivilegeCheck() throws a NoommanDeleteError. |
Creates a new InstanceSet which is the mathematical set difference of this InstanceSet and the given InstanceSet. Difference is this InstanceSet - given InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instanceSet | InstanceSet | An InstanceSet to subtract from this InstanceSet. |
InstanceSet - The set difference of this InstanceSet and given InstanceSet.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If instanceSet parameter is not an instance of InstanceSet. |
Determines if this InstanceSet is equal to the given InstanceSet. Two InstanceSets are considered equal if they hold the same Instances (determined by Instance id).
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instanceSet | InstanceSet | An InstanceSet to compare this InstanceSet against. |
Boolean - True if both InstanceSets hold the same Instances, false otherwise.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If instanceSet parameter is not an instance of InstanceSet. |
Creates a new InstanceSet which contains all the Instances from this InstanceSet which are of the given ClassModel (or a sub-ClassModel thereof).
ParametersName | Type | Description |
classModel | ClassModel | A ClassModel to use to filter this InstanceSet. |
InstanceSet - An InstanceSet with the same ClassModel as this InstanceSet, which contains all Instances from the origin InstanceSet which are of the given ClassModel (or a ClassModel thereof).
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If the given classModel paramter is omitted or not an instance of ClassModel. |
Creates a new InstanceSet which is this InstanceSet filtered for those Instances that are stored in the same collection as the collection for the ClassModel of this InstanceSet.
ReturnsInstanceSet - A new InstanceSet with the same ClassModel as this InstanceSet, containing all the Instances from this InstanceSet which share the same collection as this InstanceSet.
Similar to the Array.filter() method, except that the results are compiled into an InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
callback | Function | A callback function which will be run on each Instance of this InstanceSet. If this function returns true for an Instance, then the Instance will be added to the return InstanceSet. |
InstanceSet - A new InstanceSet with the same ClassModel as this InstanceSet, and containing all the instances for which the given callback function returns true.
Retrieves the id for each Instance in this InstanceSet as a String and returns them in an array.
ReturnsArray<String> - An array containing string representations of each Instance's id.
Retrieves all Instances from this InstanceSet with any of the given ids.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
id | Array<mongodb.ObjectId> | An array of ids for the Instances to retrieve. |
InstanceSet - An InstanceSet with the same classModel as this InstanceSet, containing only those Instances with the given ids.
Retrieves an Instance from this InstanceSet with the given id.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
id | mongodb.ObjectId | String | An id for the Instance to retrieve. |
Instance - The Instance from this InstanceSet with the given Id. Null if no Instance in this InstanceSet has the given id.
Retrieves the id for each Instance in this InstanceSet and returns them in an Array.
ReturnsArray<ObjectId> - An array containing each Instance's id.
Determines if this InstanceSet contains the given Instance. This is determined using only the id of the Instances, so the given Instance does not need to be the exact same object in memory.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instance | Instance | An instance to check for. |
Boolean - True if this InstanceSet contains the given Instance, false otherwise.
Determines if this InstanceSet contains an Instance with the given id.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
id | mongodb.ObjectId | String | An id to check for. |
Boolean - True if this InstanceSet contains an Instance with the given id, false otherwise.
Returns the Instance at the given index as though this InstanceSet were an Array.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
index | Number | The index of the Instance you wish to retrieve. |
Instance - The Instance of the given index.
Creates a new InstanceSet which is the intersection of this InstanceSet and the given InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instanceSet | InstanceSet | An InstanceSet to intersect with this InstanceSet. |
InstanceSet - The intersection of this InstanceSet and given InstanceSet.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If instanceSet parameter is not an instance of InstanceSet. |
Determines if this InstanceSet is an InstanceSet of the given classModel or one of its sub-ClassModels.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
classModel | ClassModel | A ClassModel to check if this is an InstanceSet of. |
Boolean - True if this InstanceSet is an InstanceSet of the given classModel or one of its sub-ClassModels. False otherwise.
Similar to the native method, except that the result is wrapped into a new InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
callback | Function | A function which will be run for each Instance in the set. Whatever this function returns for each instance will be compiled into a new InstanceSet. This function must return an Instance which is of the same ClassModel as this InstanceSet. |
InstanceSet - An InstanceSet with the same ClassModel as this InstanceSet, which contains each result of each call of the callback function.
Runs applicable readPrivilege methods for each Instance in this InstanceSet, and filters out any Instances for which any readPrivilege method returns false. Returns a new InstanceSet, does not update this InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
readPrivilegeMethodParameter | Object | An object containing any parameters that the readPrivilege method(s) may need. |
Promise<InstanceSet> - An InstanceSet containing those Instances for which all readPrivilege methods return true.
Removes the given instance from the set. Any Instance with the same id as the given Instance will be removed from the InstanceSet, it does not have to be the same in memory object.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instance | Instance | An Instance to remove from this InstanceSet. |
Removes all the given Instances from this InstanceSet. Any Instance with the same id as any of the given Instances will be removed from the InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instances | Iterable<Instance>/td> | An Iterable containing Instances of the ClassModel for this InstanceSet (or a sub-ClassModel) to remove from this InstanceSet. |
Error Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If instances parameter is not an Iterable. |
Saves the current state of each Instance in this InstanceSet to the database in the proper collection according to its ClassModel.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
createPrivilegeMethodParameter | Object | An object containing parameters needed by a createPrivilege method. |
updatePrivilegeMethodParameter | Object | An object containing parameters needed by a updatePrivilege method. |
Promise<Array<Instance>> - An Array containing each Instance in this InstanceSet, if save is successful.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanValidationError | If validate() throws a NoommanValidationError. |
NoommanSaveError | If any unsaved Instance in this InstanceSet fails a createPrivilege method. |
NoommanSaveError | If any previously saved Instance in this InstanceSet fails a updatePrivilege method. |
NoommanSaveError | If any Instance in this InstanceSet has been stripped of sensitive attributes. |
Will remove any attributes with property sensitive equal to true from each Instance in this InstanceSet.
Creates a new InstanceSet which is the mathematical symmetricDifference of this InstanceSet and the given InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instanceSet | InstanceSet | An InstanceSet to calculate the symmetric difference of with this InstanceSet. |
InstanceSet - The symmetric difference of this InstanceSet and given InstanceSet.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If instanceSet parameter is not an instance of InstanceSet. |
Creates a new InstanceSet which is the mathematical set union of this InstanceSet and the given InstanceSet.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
instanceSet | InstanceSet | An InstanceSet to union with this InstanceSet. |
InstanceSet - The union of this InstanceSet and given InstanceSet.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If instanceSet parameter is not an instance of InstanceSet. |
Throws an error if any Instance in this InstanceSet is invalid for any reason, including violations of custom validations, required properties, required groups, or mutexes.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanValidationError | If Instance.validate() throws a NoommanArgumentError for any Instance in this InstanceSet. |
Walks the relationship with the given relationshipName for every Instance in this InstanceSet, and returns the result in a single InstanceSet. Will populate the relationship on each Instance as well.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
relationshipName | String | The name of a relationship to walk. |
Promise<InstanceSet> - an InstanceSet containing all the Instances related to the Instances in this InstanceSet through the relationship with the given relationshipName.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If no relationshipName is given. |
NoommanArgumentError | If relationshipName is not a String. |
NoommanArgumentError | If relationshipName does not match a relationship on the ClassModel for this InstanceSet. |
Walks a path of multiple relationships from the Instances in this InstanceSet, returning an InstanceSet containing all Instances at the end of the path.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
path | Array<String> | An Array containing the names of the relationships to walk. |
Promise<InstanceSet> - The InstanceSet of Instances related to the Instances in this InstanceSet through the given relationships. If there are no Instances at the end of the path, or path cannot be walked all the way to the end, the returned InstanceSet will be empty.
ThrowsError Type | Cause |
NoommanArgumentError | If path is not an Array. |
NoommanArgumentError | If path contains any items that are not a string. |
NoommanArgumentError | If path contains any items that are not a valid relationship for the relavant ClassModel. |